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A Light-Weight Authentication Scheme for UAV and Ground Sensors
发布时间:2019-05-22     来源:太阳成集团tyc4633   分享到:

报告题目A Light-Weight Authentication Scheme for UAV and Ground Sensors

报告人:杜小江 教授, 美国天普大学

报告时间10:30-12:00, 2019526

报告地点:长安校区 文津楼三段606

报告摘要Internet of Things (IoT) is ubiquitous because of its broad applications and the advance in communication technologies. The capabilities of IoT also enable its important role in homeland security and tactical missions, including Reconnaissance, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Target Acquisition (RISTA). IoT security becomes the most critical issue before its extensive use in military operations. While the majority of research focuses on smart IoT devices, treatments for legacy dumb network-ready devices are lacking; moreover, IoT devices deployed in a hostile environment are often required to be dumb due to the strict hardware constraints, making them highly vulnerable to cyber attacks. To mitigate the problem, we propose a light-weight authentication scheme for dumb IoT devices, in a case study of the UAV-sensor collaborative RISTA missions. Our scheme utilizes the covert channels in the physical layer for authentications and does not request conventional key deployments, key generations which may cause security risks and large overhead that a dumb sensor cannot afford. Our scheme operates on the physical layer, and thus it is highly portable and generalizable to most commercial and military communication protocols. We demonstrate the viability of our scheme by building a prototype system and conducting experiments to emulate the behaviors of UAVs and sensors in real scenarios.

报告人简介杜小江现任美国天普大学(Temple University )计算机系的终身教授。他于1996年和1998年分别从清华大学获得学士和硕士学位,2002年和2003年分别从美国马里兰大学获得电子工程硕士和博士学位。杜博士的研究方向主要包括无线系统安全、物联网安全、计算机网络安全、和无线网络与通信等。无线系统安全、计算机通信和在异构传感器网络等方面做出了开创性的研究。杜博士在Springer出版专著一本. 目前已在国际顶级期刊和会议上发表论文300多篇,其中SCI收录100余篇和EI收录300余篇,其中三篇文章获得了国际会议的最佳论文奖。是三个国际期刊的编委,多次担任过IEEE/ACM国际会议的主席,并多次在国际学术会议作特邀报告。多次参加美国科学基金会的科研项目书评审会。杜博士已经主持了18项美国政府的科研项目,获得的科研经费超过6百万美元,其中9项是由美国国家科学基金会资助,3项是由美国陆军研究局资助, 2项是由美国空军研究局资助. 杜博士目前是IEEE高级会员(Senior Member),以及ACM终身会员(Life Member)